Celebrate sports for all players at UVic’s ProMotion Week

Celebrate sports for all players at UVic's ProMotion Week

It’s called “OneAbility’ – a variety of organizations across Greater Victoria helping those living with disabilities play all level of sports.

And the public is invited to join in the fun at OneAbility’s ProMotion week at the University of Victoria.

Simon Cass coaches the wheelchair basketball program at CARSA – UVic’s Centre for Athletics, Recreation and Special Abilities.

“Wheelchair basketball is a unique sport in that we have ‘reverse integration’ – people with disabilities and able-bodied people such as myself can play, all at the same time,” Cass said.

This sport is one of many supported by OneAbility.

“We’ve got upwards of 30 different organizations, all working together, in programming, or event hosting, education, research – many different areas – trying to bring better, more inclusive programs to the region,” Alyssa Hindle, from CanAssist at CARSA

University of Victoria student and athlete Ashley Griffith was 12 when she fell down a concrete staircase and broke her back.

“I live with severe chronic pain all the time, along with other neurological dysfunctions, so that’s left me in a chair 24/7,” Griffith said.

She’s passionate about playing basketball.

“I love the community that we have within the wheelchair basketball community.  To have adaptive sport come into my life, and fill something that I felt I was missing, was amazing,” Griffth said.

“The whole purpose is to have opportunities for people with and without disabilities to interact together in fitness, recreation, and sport,” Hindle added.

Now, OneAbility hosts the third annual ProMotion week, which begins on Nov. 30.

There’s a week of free drop-in activities throughout the region.

“People can actually come out, try the programs, and see what exists.  Maybe if they’ve heard of it, or even haven’t heard of it, but would like to test it out first, this is the perfect opportunity for that” said Hindle.

And ProMotion week offers much more than just wheelchair basketball.

“There’s sledge hockey…we have blind soccer here at CARSA…there’s many different programs,’ Hindle said.

Click here to learn more about ProMotion week.

Veronica CooperVeronica Cooper

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