Campbell River cancer patient speaks out about radiologist review

Campbell River cancer patient speaks out about radiologist review

48 year-old woman who had a double mastectomy followed by 6 CT Scans is now worried her films may have been read wrong by locum radiologist.


“Now it’s the fear again.”
Dawn Summerton says she’s living in fear, hoping her phone doesn’t ring with the bad news that a mistake was found with any of her 6 CT scans done following her treatment for breast cancer in 2015.
She had a double mastectomy and is considered high risk for the cancer to return.
Spots were found on her liver and pelvis but she says she was told it’s not cancer after the films were read by a locum radiologist.
“You know but now it’s making me wonder. Even with the pelvis, I had spots on my pelvis so now if it’s been misdiagnosed maybe it’s metastasized, I have no idea” Summerton told CHEK News.   
The tests were done at Campbell River and District General Hospital.
Island Health announced Tuesday that it’s undertaking a review of 500 scans and x-rays done in Campbell River between January 2013 and February 2016.
If mistakes are found, the review will expand to 20,000 images taken at hospitals in Campbell River, Nanaimo and Port Alberni. 
 Island Health isn’t the only authority undertaking a review of diagnostic images.
Interior Health also announced Tuesday that it is reviewing over 2000 diagnostic imaging reports done in the Kootenay boundary area.
And Northern Health has undertaken a review of 275 cancer related images taken at Mills memorial hospital in Terrace.
CHEK News has been told the concerns across BC relate to the same doctor who is not being identified. 
“If I have metastasized and it’s gone through my whole body, guaranteed you’re up for a lawsuit because you’ve shortened my lifespan” added Summerton.
Island Health says it will identify in three weeks or less if mistakes were made at Campbell River Hospital.

Dean StoltzDean Stoltz

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