Blocking Trans Mountain is ‘illegal,’ says former B.C. Premier Christy Clark

Blocking Trans Mountain is 'illegal,' says former B.C. Premier Christy Clark

WATCH: Former British Columbia premier Christy Clark says efforts by the province’s NDP government to stymie an interprovincial pipeline are illegal and will hurt all of Canada. Isabelle Raghem reports. 

B.C.’s former premier wasting no time to target the current government in her first public speech since leaving office.

“We all know they’ve intended to soak British Columbia’s economy for a long time they do that every chance they get but they wasted no time in making sure they go soaking Alberta’s economy, Saskatchewan’s economy, that they put Ontario at risk they put our entire country at risk because they don’t understand or care about economic growth,” said Clark Saturday in Ottawa.

Speaking to a gathering of conservatives in Ottawa, Clark says changing the rules partway through a project will make companies think twice about investing and creating jobs in Canada.

“In this country, we set rules. We set goal posts. And you can’t change them halfway through,” she said to a well-attended event at the Manning Networking Conference.

“It’s not just about the pipelines. It’s not just about natural gas. It’s about all of the jobs and all of the people who are going to find themselves out of work when investors around the world don’t want to come to Canada anymore.”

Her comments comes as sparks fly between B.C. and Alberta over the Trans Mountain pipeline.

Alberta said last week it will stop imports of all B.C. wines, a decision in retaliation to B.C.’s call for more consultation on oil-spill readiness and putting limits on oilsands shipments.

With files from The Canadian Press. 

Isabelle RaghemIsabelle Raghem

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