Betty White Challenge generates thousands of dollars in donations for Island animal rescues

Betty White Challenge generates thousands of dollars in donations for Island animal rescues

Jean Hamilton felt a weight lift from her shoulders Tuesday, while covered in purring, cuddly kittens.

Donations that poured into Cowichan Cat Rescue Monday amounted to nearly $2,000 and she was still counting.

“This is amazing. It was absolutely stunning,” said Jean Hamilton, of Cowichan Cat Rescue.

Late animal lover, and Golden Girl, Betty White would have turned 100 on Monday, and coincidentally shares a birthday with Jean Hamilton, who runs Cowichan Cat Rescue.

White’s recent passing sparked a social media movement of kindness, that urged people to donate to animal rescue groups for Betty, and the response was overwhelming.

“Donations . . . make it so that we can afford to save these guys,” said Hamilton, holding three blind, feral kittens that required surgery.

The BC SPCA is reporting it received an enormous 405-thousand dollars in Betty White’s honour. Money that will go to help groups save thousands more animals going forward.

“That means there are some pretty good people out there and it was a pretty good birthday and it means that we can afford kittens like this,” said Hamilton.

A tribute, that Hamilton said she thought Betty White would be delighted with.

“I think at this point she is on that rainbow bridge, she is high-fiving with all the dogs and she’s laughing,” said Hamilton.

As thousands of animals and groups that rescue them, benefit from the kindness of one woman, whose warmth and joy will live on now, long after her death.

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Skye RyanSkye Ryan

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