B.C. reports 36 new COVID-19 cases in 3 days, no new cases in Island Health

B.C. reports 36 new COVID-19 cases in 3 days, no new cases in Island Health
Province of BC
Health Minister Adrian Dix and Chief Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry provide an update on COVID-19 on June 15, 2020

B.C. health officials reported 36 new COVID-19 cases over the past three days and no new deaths.

There are no new cases in Island Health, which remains at a total of 130 cases since the pandemic began. Of those cases, 125 have recovered and there have been five deaths.

Of the 36 new cases announced Monday, there were 14 cases from Friday to Saturday, 16 cases from Saturday to Sunday and six cases from Sunday to Monday.

There have been a total of 2,745 COVID-19 cases of B.C., with 934 in Vancouver Coastal Health, 1,420 in Fraser Health, 130 in Island Health, 195 in Interior Health and 65 in Northern Health.

There are 182 active cases in B.C. Thirteen are in hospital with four in intensive care. A total of 2,395 have recovered.

Dr. Bonnie Henry, provincial health officer, said Monday that in many parts of the province, where there haven’t had new cases in a long time, it may feel like people are getting back to normal.

“It is easy sometimes when we’re in the place that we’re in, to think the pandemic is over. But there is no treatment,” Henry said.

Henry says rapid testing is needed for anyone with COVID-19 symptoms. She added people still need to stay vigilant and follow rules, including don’t go out if you feel sick, washing your hands and physical distancing.

As for when Phase 3 of B.C.’s restart plan will begin, Henry said the second incubation period of phase two is soon and travel will “be like a dimmer switch.” She said the government wants people to travel in B.C. but to do so in a way that there isn’t an undue burden on smaller communities.

According to Henry, there have been no cases of COVID-19 linked to the reopening of schools on June 1.

She also said Monday night clubs are not reopening and singing in groups can also lead to spreads.

And while there is some research that shows one metre is enough for physical distancing when trying to stop the spread of disease, Henry said it’s something that has been debated for years and it’s better to be on the cautious size.

Earlier Monday, federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau says the government will look at how measures to revive the economy from its pandemic-induced freeze will impact women and men differently.

He also suggests that federal officials will consider how any changes to the COVID-19 economic safety net could affect racialized communities in Canada.

Morneau is working on a host of changes to the federal spending program that now costs about $153.7 billion, as restrictions rolled back to allow companies and workers get back to business.

The Liberals teased announcements on today about an extension of the emergency response benefit for workers, a revamp of the wage subsidy program and new options Friday for small- and medium-sized businesses to access an emergency loan program.

Morneau told the Senate’s finance committee in the afternoon that officials are working on various economic scenarios to determine how programs should adapt.

In developing those next steps, Morneau said the government would consider traditional and newer economic measures that could also work into any eventual budgets.

To see a breakdown of COVID-19 cases in B.C. by day and testing numbers, visit the B.C. COVID-19 dashboard.

According to researchers with Johns Hopkins University and Medicine, the number of COVID-19 cases worldwide is over 7.9 million, with more than 434,000 deaths. The United States has the highest number of confirmed cases and deaths.

Watch Dr. Bonnie Henry and Adrian Dix on June 15, 2020, below: 

With files from The Canadian Press and CBC

Alexa HuffmanAlexa Huffman

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