B.C.’s top doctor orders restaurants to pivot to take-out and delivery, stops short of ordering lockdown

B.C.'s top doctor orders restaurants to pivot to take-out and delivery, stops short of ordering lockdown
WatchWhile BC's top doctor ordered all restaurants to stop providing dine-in services, Dr. Bonnie Henry stopped short of ordering a lockdown in the province. As Mary Griffin reports, while other jurisdictions are imposing drastic measures, BC is not yet at that critical level.

COVID-19 cases on Vancouver Island are rising, and with more cases, there are more potential contacts.

Yesterday, Island Health warned people who attended certain classes at the University of Victoria or at Saanich Commonwealth Place they may be at risk.

As of Friday, the B.C. government said there are 30 cases in the Island Health region.

Now governments across North America are ordering tougher lockdown rules to try to stop the spread.

From the state capital in Sacramento, California, Governor Gavin Newsom ordered 40 million California residents to stay at home.

“This moment that we direct a state-wide order for people to stay at home. That directive goes into force and effect this evening and we were confident, we are confident that the people of the state of California will abide by it,” Newsom said.

The governor of New York State, Andrew Cuomo, told all non-essential workers to stay home today. “Only essential businesses will be functioning, people can work at home, God bless you, but only essential businesses can have workers commuting to the job or on the job,” Cuomo said.

This morning in Ottawa, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would not rule out moving to more drastic measures to stop the spread of COVID-19.

“We are looking and at all possible measures. As I’ve said repeatedly, nothing is off the table,” Trudeau said.

Dr. Bonnie Henry says the measures already in place to reduce contact are enough at this point.

“I don’t think telling people to stay at home is going to help us. Because we need to keep things moving. And we do need people to be out there doing the things that allow us to go to work every day. So it’s finding that balance. And we’ll not get it right every time. We’ve been changing things as the issues come up,” Henry said.

Health Minister Adrian Dix reiterated that Dr. Henry’s orders are not optional. “This talk about voluntary and not voluntary. There isn’t anything voluntary here. We all have to do this. We need 100 per cent compliance,” Henry.

Gatherings of more than 50 are banned and people asked to stay two metres apart, even when outdoors.

Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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