B.C. provides funding for animal care facilities during COVID-19

B.C. provides funding for animal care facilities during COVID-19
BC will provide funding for animal shelters, BCSPCA facilities, zoos and aquariums amid COVID-19

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, donations for animal care centres are at an all-time low, and the provincial government is stepping in to fill the gap.

Funding will be available for B.C.’s shelters, BC SPCA facilities, zoos and aquariums to help cover the cost of food and medicine for the animals.

“We want to ensure animals in need have access to care when they need it,” said the Ministry of Agriculture.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines set out by the provincial health officer, dozens of animal attractions and animal care facilities, including those operated by the BC SPCA, have been closed to the public.

According to the ministry, facilities have been reporting a dramatic decrease in the donation of food, supplies and volunteers, and have been unable to hold fundraisers that support the care of their animals.

The B.C. government has made a pool of emergency funding available that will be based on the number of animal care facilities that require assistance and the level of support that is needed to ensure animals are cared for.

The Ministry will work with B.C. animal care facility operators to identify instances where emergency funding may be given.

The money will be used for animal hygiene, habitat upkeep, veterinarian care, limited transportation and repairs to equipment required to ensure the welfare of the animals in care.

B.C. animal refuges and rehabilitation centres that lack the revenue to ensure animals in their care will not be in distress will also qualify for funding. This will allow their animals to have a stable food supply and any medication they need.

Since the start of the pandemic, B.C. wildlife centres have faced challenges due to a lack of donations and an uptick in the need for care.

Rebecca LawrenceRebecca Lawrence

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