B.C. Green Party flexes its new political muscle

B.C. Green Party flexes its new political muscle

These are heady days for the B.C. Green Party.

With still no clear winner after last week’s provincial election, the party is using this time to flex its new political muscle.

Andrew Weaver says negotiations are ongoing with the province’s other two parties.

“We are in negotiations with both political parties,” Weaver said.

“Both the B.C. Liberals and the B.C. NDP.”

And with his party potentially holding the balance of power, Weaver has his list of demands.

“The three things that we mention publicly, these have not changed, of course,” Weaver said.

“We have to have party status.Number two, ban big money.And number three is a discussion of proportional representation.”

University of Victoria political scientist Michael Prince says the Greens are flexing their newfound political muscle.

“The three top demands of Mr. Weaver, clearly, are to change the fundamentals of the political system in this province.”

Prince says that is thanks to the influence of Norman Spector. 

Part of the Green’s negotiating team, the former ambassador, civil servant and newspaper publisher is the experienced political hand Weaver, and the party, need, Prince said.

“It’s a very bold move on the Greens,” Prince said.

“It shows that they are taking negotiations very seriously. They see this next week or two as a very critical time in the future of their party.”

On Tuesday in Vancouver, Premier Christy Clark acknowledged that the province is in uncharted territory.

“We are at a unique time in British Columbia’s history,” Clark said.

“We don’t have the final result of the election yet.”

With the outcome still uncertain, Weaver is moving quickly but is not aligning with one party just yet.

“Our position has always been that Greens can collaborate with anyone”, Weaver said.

“We can negotiate with anyone. We understand what compromise means. And we are here to ensure good public policy is first and foremost in our discussions, and decision making.”

Coincidence, or not?

Today the NDP launched an online petition supporting a proportional voting system and banning big money in politics.

As to the future of key Liberal projects, the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion, and the nine billion dollar Site “C” dam, Weaver wouldn’t say.

“It’s on the list. We have to discuss.”

Mary GriffinMary Griffin

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