Accused killer on trial for 2020 Langford murder found on dating site for Canadian prisoners

Accused killer on trial for 2020 Langford murder found on dating site for Canadian prisoners
Canadian Inmates Connect
A screenshot of Damian Medwedrich's dating profile on Canadian Inmates Connect.

As the first-degree murder trial over a 2020 shooting in Langford plays out in a Victoria courtroom, CHEK News has found out the accused, 28-year-old Damian Medwedrich is looking for love online.

Medwedrich has a profile on Canadian Inmates Connect, an online dating hub. It’s a matchmaking website with a twist, hooking up people on the inside with those on the outside.

His profile says he likes working out, origami, and hikes.

“I would love to find someone to talk to and hopefully meet when I get out,” his profile reads.

Aside from reporters spotting him in court, it’s the first time CHEK News has been able to find pictures of Medwedrich.

It also gives an inside look at a phenomenon which criminal lawyer Michael Mulligan says isn’t anything new.

“This is something that’s been going on for many years and pre-dates the internet,” said Mulligan.

Take the local case of notorious bank robber Stephen Reid and poet Susan Musgrave.

As a criminal, Reid first earned headlines in the 1970s and 1980s as a member of the so-called Stopwatch Gang. While serving time he sent the manuscript of his now award-winning novel Jackrabbit Parole to Musgrave, a writer in residence at the University of Waterloo.

She fell in love with the protagonist and married the author in 1986 while we has still in prison.

Greater Victoria Victim Services (GVVS) says it hasn’t had any issues from the site.

“To my knowledge, our agency has not received any referrals of victims of the service,” said Karyn French, executive director of GVVS.

Regardless, Mulligan says to tread carefully.

“You need to be very aware of the background of the person you’re dealing with. There’s no doubt there’s going to be danger in that,” said Mulligan.

“If someone is remaining in custody beyond their parole eligibility it would be an indication that the National Parole Board has determined they would be an undue risk if released into the community so someone should be aware of that if they decided to strike up correspondence with someone.”

Some inmates disclose why they’re incarcerated from everything from murder to sexual assault, but they aren’t double-checked for accuracy. Initial contact is made via snail mail to their penitentiary.

The site advises against sending money to inmates and recommends Googling them, prior to writing.

Luka Magnotta, who was convicted of first-degree murder for the 2012 Montreal killing and dismemberment of university student Jun Lin — then mailing Lin’s body parts to Ottawa offices of the federal Conservatives and Liberals as well as schools in B.C., created a profile back in 2015.

“You might want to pick a dating site that has a wider array of choices. There are many, fish in the sea,” said Mulligan.

Kori SidawayKori Sidaway

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