Abnormal heat wave coming to an end for parts of Vancouver Island

Abnormal heat wave coming to an end for parts of Vancouver Island

WATCH: The long string of hot days we’ve experienced on much of the Island came to a close Tuesday. It marks the end of record-setting temperatures in several areas but the risks left behind by the long dry heat wave are far from gone. Kendall Hanson reports.

Nanaimo’s shorelines were packed Tuesday as people get out to enjoy the sun and try to beat the heat.

It was the last day of a 10-day stretch of sunshine, no rain and 30-degree highs.

“It’s not too bad compared to Kelowna that’s for sure,” said Katy Andrews, who is currently visiting Nanaimo. “We’ve had lots of smoke and heat up there so this is refreshing for me.”

“We’ve been going to the beach a lot,” said Dale Danyluk, a Nanaimo resident. “[Been] spending as much time on the water as possible to stay cool.”

While some are enjoying the head for those in charge of protecting BC’s forests it’s been a tense time.

“As a result of the hot and dry weather we have seen a jump in the fire danger rating across the province,” said Ryan Turcot, an information officer with BC’s Wildfire Service. “Most areas are in a high to extreme danger rating which essentially means from a wildfire perspective that if there are new wildfire starts in the area there’s a higher likelihood they’re going to take off quicker and burn at a more volatile rate.”

Since April 1, the province has responded to just over 900 wildfires and there are currently 200 burning in BC. The last couple of days has seen an uptick.

But the heat also has been tough for those working in it.

“Today’s not so bad because of the breeze but it’s been pretty intense,” said Hunter Zart, a construction worker. “Always got to have cold water, cooler around.”

Many others are finding the high temperatures challenging to deal with.

“My spouse and I get really tired, usually in the afternoon,” said Bob Pankoski, a Nanaimo resident.

“The nights because we don’t have air conditioning,” said Sue Bingham, a Nanaimo resident.

But Environment Canada says the heat wave is winding down with cooler temperatures coming soon and the possibility of rain on Friday.

Kendall HansonKendall Hanson

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