A look at the first week of B.C.’s COVID-19 proof-of-vaccination program

A look at the first week of B.C.'s COVID-19 proof-of-vaccination program

From massive protests in the weeks leading up to the proof of vaccination card to anxiety about safety and security for staff, so far, the rollout has been relatively smooth sailing.

“Easier than I thought it might be,” said Mark Gandall who used his unique QR code the first day of the rollout.

“I’ve got my card ready if I need to,” said Victoria local Lois Pegg.

“It worked out fine,” said Dennis Sunier.

At least one restaurant manager agrees, despite a few challenges from international visitors who didn’t know about the provincial requirements, the proof of vaccination card has gone well.

“For the most part, it’s been good. People have been gracious, they’ve been happy to show their passport, they’re walking it with it out,” said Pat Allaberton, the GM of Milestones Inner Harbour

So far, at Milestones in the Inner Harbour, there’s only been one disruptive incident with a protestor on Wednesday.

“He was yelling at our hosts, he was yelling at our guests. We ended up calling the police and it took four police officers to take him away, so that was our most excitement and our biggest disappointment,” said Allaberton.

So far around three million unique proof of vaccination cards has been downloaded across B.C.

And many expect as time goes on, the more the public will get used to it.

“For liquor laws, the law is if you look under 30, you have to show I.D., and young people now just pull it out before you’ve said a word. So I think it’ll become very similar to that, and it’ll just become what we do,” said Allaberton.

As for other businesses refusing to follow the new public health order possible fines or shutdowns could be coming.

“When complaints are made they got to, can go up to the interagency table within my ministry and they can look at the infraction that’s taken place and what’s been taking place, and the appropriate penalty can be levied,” said Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety.

A more comprehensive look at how the rollout of the proof of vaccination card went for B.C.’s hospitality industry is expected through a survey next week.

Kori SidawayKori Sidaway

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