A Duncan fire leaves dozens homeless on Thanksgiving weekend

A Duncan fire leaves dozens homeless on Thanksgiving weekend

WATCH: On a night when many of us are sitting down with family. But for three families in Duncan, this holiday won’t be one of happiness. That’s because their homes were destroyed in a fire recently. That’s because their homes were destroyed in a fire recently. And tonight, they’re trying to rebuild their lives. Kori Sidaway reports.

Discarded strollers and kids toys lay charred outside what used to be Delilah and Raymond’s Duncan home, remnants of the many things they had to leave behind when a fire broke out early Friday morning while they were sleeping.

“I just literally started yelling fire!” said Delilah.

“When people were coming down the stairs, all you could see was their feet. It was already fully engulfed in smoke.”

Delilah’s calls woke up her neighbours to what was a now a full blaze.

“They just woke up crying when I said fire, fire, we gotta get out!” said neighbour Angel Jack.

With their two-week-old in tow, Angel, her husband and four other kids made it out safely. But like Delilah and Raymond, they’ve lost everything.

“I tried to run back in to grab the car keys so I could move our car, but by the time I tried to go back in it was too smokey.” said Raymond.

“I singed some of my hair and some of my hair on my arms. And I just backed out and said no it’s not worth it to try and do that.”

Losing their home, their car, and 18 years of what makes home, a home, Raymond and Delilah are left not knowing where to start.

“It’s heart-wrenching, I can’t get over it happened to us,” said Delilah.

But there is a little light shining through. Some people from the community have been dropping off supplies for the families.

“I had one just like this, just got it too eh,” said Delilah admiring the donated clothing.

The city of Duncan has put up the 27 people left without homes from the fire, in a hotel until Tuesday. But it’s not exactly how the families expected to spend Thanksgiving.

“We were just with all of our girls, talking about getting together for Thanksgiving dinner, and it’s just impossible now,” said Delilah.

That’s the least of their worries. Come Tuesday, they’re on their own to find a place to live.

“We don’t know where to start,” said Delilah.

But, they’re giving thanks, that while they may not have much left, they do have each other.


If people would like to donate, a GoFundMe page has also been set up to help the families get back on their feet.

Kori SidawayKori Sidaway

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