45 trees being cut down to put in new CRD sewage pipe

45 trees being cut down to put in new CRD sewage pipe
WatchThe latest tree falling victim of Victoria's fast-growing infrastructure has local tree advocates speaking out

The most recent tree caught in the crossfire of Victorias growing infrastructure continues to be debated by local tree advocates.

“We don’t want to lose these trees because this is what makes our city so special,” Frances Litman from Community Trees Matter, said.

An iconic windswept horse chestnut on Dallas Road is only one of the 45 trees that have or will be cut down.

The city says the trees must be cut in order to put in the new CRD sewage pipe that stretches from Clover Point to the McLoughlin Point Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Some signs have been posted along Dallas Road listing various species that will be cut down, which the city is saying is unavoidable.

“Unfortunately in this section of this alignment there really aren’t many other options,” Thomas Soulliere, director of parks with the City of Victoria said.

The city says once the pipe project is complete, new amenities like a bike path will be put in.

Come this fall, the city will begin planting 90 new trees including species like the Garry Oak, Aspens, and the European red elder.

But tree advocates say replanting simply is not enough.

“Just to say we’re going to plant a tree, it’s not the same, not at all, we don’t get the same biodiversity of species that comes with those [old growth] trees,” Litman said.

According to a sign posted on the horse chestnut, the tree’s removal will begin August 1.





Andrea FerrariAndrea Ferrari

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