4.6-acre lot up for sale by the City of Langford has some residents fearing for the future

4.6-acre lot up for sale by the City of Langford has some residents fearing for the future
WatchOne Langford group is taking a stand against development in the province's fastest growing community. They are fighting to preserve a piece of green space, which they say is a critical piece of the area's ecosystem. Hannah Lepine reports.

A group of Langford residents are concerned about the city’s proposal to sell a 4.6-acre lot located near Langford Lake.

Residents fear the lake won’t withstand the amount of proposed development and would like a more sustainable approach — and are encouraging the city to protect the land instead of developing it.

“I think most people would like to have trees around them, nature’s valuable,” says Tom Watson, a resident on Langford Lake. “If you have all that silt the quality of the water in the lake is not going to be as good as it currently is and you can see it getting worse all the time.”

The group has launched an online petition that has gathered over 2,500 signatures.

They say the lake is suffering from poor water quality, flooding and a loss of habitat.

But, on the other side, the mayor argues residents have nothing to worry about.

“We’re actually maintaining that ditch that was built 50 years ago, so they are protected,” says Langford Mayor, Stew Young.

Young said this isn’t a light decision for council to make.

“We have to base our decision on what’s best for all tax payers of Langford, not just somebody who bought a house on the lake and doesn’t want to see anymore.”

The city is planning to use the money from the sale to complete the Ed Nixon Trail around Langford Lake.



Hannah LepineHannah Lepine

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