36-year-old sentenced for fatal collision due to impaired driving in Parksville

36-year-old sentenced for fatal collision due to impaired driving in Parksville
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A provincial court judge sentenced 36-year-old Ryan Grob at the Nanaimo courthouse Friday for an impaired driving collision that proved fatal back in 2019.

It was in the wee hours of August 24, 2019, after the Rod and Gun bar closed in Parksville that Ryan Grob got behind the wheel of his truck. He was drunk and had ingested cocaine. Blocks from the bar travelling at least 34 km over the speed limit on Hirst Avenue he struck 32-year-old Spencer Moore who had also been at the bar and was crawling on the road.

Grob drove away and later tried to cover up his involvement by deceiving police.

“I apologize to the Moore family. My deepest sympathy. I wish things went differently. I wish I wouldn’t have lied,” said Grob before entering the courthouse.

In handing down her judgement Provincial Court Judge Karen Whonnock said Grob’s high rate of speed, cocaine use and previous driving record which included five driving prohibitions and seven prior speeding offences were among the aggravating factors and his guilty pleas were mitigating.

Judge Whonnock read portions of several victim impact statements, including from Spencer’s brother Brandon, who has felt “extreme pain and sorrow at losing his brother.”

“Not one day has passed without me thinking of him hundreds of times a day,” she read.

She sentenced Grob to six years in jail and an eight-year driving prohibition. That’s the amount of prison time the crown recommended.

“Judge Whonnock’s decision for six years. We appreciate it. We appreciate her words in the courtroom. We appreciate her time and attention to this,” said Jessica Wallis-Moore, Spencer Moore’s sister-in-law.

Wallace-Moore says the penalties for impaired driving causing death should be tougher and she and the family are going to start voting for Members of Parliament who will take up the cause.

“Saying I will take this to Ottawa. That’s my advocate voice right now. That’s what I’m doing for Spencer. That’s what we want to do,” said Wallis-Moore.

Wallis-Moore says she doesn’t accept Grob’s apology as genuine but they hope the father of two will take the opportunity to turn his life around in prison.

Kendall HansonKendall Hanson

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