10-year-old Central Saanich boy suffers major burns in backyard explosion

10-year-old Central Saanich boy suffers major burns in backyard explosion
Courtesy of Cyndi Sampson
Riley has completed three surgeries so far.  Although he is he's in a lot of pain, his family says he's a fighter.

It’s a story no parent could ever imagine, but for one Brentwood Bay family it’s a tragic reality.

Ten-year-old Riley Pelkey and his cousin were playing in a backyard on the Tstartlip First Nation last Friday when a jerry can next to a campfire exploded. The cousin suffered minor injuries but Riley’s condition was much worse.

The young boy was rushed to Victoria General and later transferred to the B.C. Children’s hospital.

Riley’s grandmother Stephanie Pelkey, who spoke with CHEK, says the situation happened so fast and they are grateful that he is getting the care he needs.

“He was burnt, 65 per cent of his body from his armpits down — it’s burnt. His eyelashes were burnt. His hair was singed” said Pelkey.

Story continues below photos.

Riley has completed three surgeries so far. Although he is he’s in a lot of pain, his family says he’s a fighter.

“He’s a strong boy I tell ya. He’s a strong young boy, my grandson. In the hospital at Vic General while they were attending to him, he laid there so calm,” said Pelkey.

Riley is expected to spend at least three months in the ICU before coming home to Vancouver Island.

With Riley’s parents now off work, and in Vancouver at their son’s bedside, the family could use help as Riley begins his long road to recovery.

If you’d like to support, donations can be made by e-transfer to: [email protected]

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