Port Alberni resident captures video of a cougar dragging a deer in her backyard

Port Alberni resident captures video of a cougar dragging a deer in her backyard

WATCH: An Alberni Valley mother is still shaken by a wild encounter with a cougar in her backyard Tuesday. Marnie Robinson had just dropped her boys off at school and returning home heard loud yowling that she thought was a catfight. Skye Ryan reports.

A Port Alberni resident is warning neighbours to keep their kids and pets safe after watching a cougar drag a dead deer in her backyard and posting a video of it to social media.

“Warning to my neighbours on Springfield Road and surrounding area . . . cougar was just in my backyard, took down a deer and dragged it into the bushes near Evergreen Park.” Marnie Robinson said in a Facebook post.

WATCH: Marnie Robinson of Port Alberni posted a video on Facebook of a cougar dragging a deer in her backyard. Viewer discretion is advised.

Robinson’s video has been viewed nearly 70,000 times in less than 24 hours since posting it on Facebook.

Picture from Marnie Robinson of Port Alberni, who watched a cougar enter her backyard on Springfield Road and take down a deer, before dragging the animal into the bushes near Evergreen Park.

Picture from Marnie Robinson of Port Alberni, who watched a cougar enter her backyard on Springfield Road and take down a deer, before dragging the animal into the bushes near Evergreen Park.

Robinson says she got to within 50 feet of the cougar and snapped pictures with a telephoto lens of the big cat with its prey.

Cougar takes down a deer in a Port Alberni resident's backyard. Photo courtesy Facebook/Marnie Robinson.

Cougar takes down a deer in a Port Alberni resident’s backyard. Photo courtesy Facebook/Marnie Robinson.

Robinson says she has never seen a cougar before in the wild.

“As amazing as it was, I hope I never see one again.”


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