Victoria naturopath agrees to stop selling unlicensed remedy made from rabid dog saliva


A Victoria naturopath claimed she treated a boy with lyssin, which is derived from the saliva of a dog with rabies. File photo.

After an investigation by Health Canada, A Victoria naturopath has agreed to stop selling an unlicensed homeopathic remedy made from rabid dog saliva she said she used to treat a small boy.

Health Canada spokesperson Renelle Briand confirmed to the CBC Anke Zimmerman has stopped selling lyssinum, also known as lyssin or hydrophobinum, which is produced by U.K. manufacturer Helios and is not licensed for clinical use in Canada.

Zimmerman chronicled her treatment of a four-year-old boy with sleep and behavioural issues, which she suspected were caused by a dog bite when the boy was two.

She treated him with lyssin, which is derived from the saliva of a dog with rabies.

Briand says Health Canada has informed the College of Naturopathic Physicians of its actions, and will “take further action, if necessary, should any additional non-compliance or risk to health be identified.”

Lyssin treatment is approved in general by Health Canada, but Helios is not among the companies licensed to sell it.

Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry questioned the approval of lyssin, saying there is no evidence that shows it has any therapeutic benefit.

Dr. Henry said if a product did actually contain what is suggested – saliva from a rabid dog – that would put the patient at risk of contracting rabies, a serious, fatal illness.

Zimmerman removed the blog post and said on her website that she has received hundreds of hateful messages.

She has defended the treatment, saying the saliva is diluted so many times, there is no trace of the rabies virus.

With files from CBC.

Andy Neal

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