Super blue blood moon captured over Vancouver Island


Andrea Moraes of Ucluelet took this photo of the super blue blood moon at 5:41 am. Wednesday morning saw a lunar trifecta with a combination of a super moon, blue moon and a blood moon.

A rare lunar trifecta in the early morning hours had space watchers captivated all over the globe.

A combination of a super moon, blue moon and blood moon appeared in the pre-dawn hours.

Two of the three special moons have not appeared together since 1866.

Andrea Moraes of Ucluelet was up early Wednesday and took stunning photos of the event at 4:15 a.m. and 5:41 a.m.


Super blue blood moon captured at 4:15 am by Andrea Moraes of Ucluelet. A rare event with a combination of a super moon, blue moon and a blood moon, not seen since 1866.


Wednesday saw a perfect alignment of the moon, earth and sun.

(Video captured from the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles of the super blue blood moon Wednesday. Courtesy CNN)


A super moon happens when the full moon is at the closest point of its orbit to the earth.

A blue moon takes place about every 36 months when it’s full twice in the same month.

A blood moon occurs during a lunar eclipse when faint red sunbeams peek out around the edges.

Andy Neal

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