CFB Esquimalt used infrared drones to help search for escaped wolves

CFB Esquimalt's infrared-equipped drone searched the area near the Greater Vancouver Zoo after a wolf escape last week.

CFB Esquimalt lent a helping hand in last week’s wolf escape from the Greater Vancouver Zoo, the base revealed in a tweet Tuesday.

Nine wolves escaped the facility in Aldergrove after someone broke onto the property and cut a hole in the wolf enclosure.

The escape launched a massive search effort to find the missing wolves, one of which was found dead on a nearby road. The last missing wolf, Tempest, was found on Friday.

CFB Esquimalt deployed drones that are normally used to inspect antenna structures on property it owns directly beside the zoo, using infrared imagery to pick up heat signatures.

“The Base sends our condolences to the zoo for the loss of one of their wolves in this recent unfortunate incident,” CFB Esquimalt said.

The zoo reopened over the weekend, and Mounties say they’re continuing to investigate what they’re calling a suspected case of unlawful entry and vandalism.

Jeff Lawrence

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