Central Kootenay poultry flock confirmed to have H5N1 strain of avian flu

Alexas Fotos/Pexels

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has confirmed a small flock of poultry in the Regional District of Central Kootenay has tested positive with the H5N1 strain of the avian flu.

This is in addition to the flock in Kelowna that has tested positive for the virus.

The infected premises has been placed under quarantine, and producers within a 12-kilometre radius have been informed.

Additionally, seven wild birds that died between April 20 and 27 have tested positive with an H5 strain of the avian flu.

The seven include three snow geese and one Canada goose in the Vanderhoof area, and individual bald eagles from Lac la Hache, Bowen Island and Vancouver.

Owners of small flocks of poultry are asked to remain vigilant for signs of avian flu and to implement preventative measures including eliminating or reducing opportunities for poultry to encounter wild birds, reducing human access to the flock, and increased cleaning, disinfection and sanitization of all things (including clothing and footwear) when entering areas where flocks are housed.

Signs of avian flu, according to CFIA include:

  • a drop in production of eggs, many of which are soft-shelled or shell-less
  • diarrhea
  • haemorrhages on the hock
  • high and sudden mortality rate
  • quietness and extreme depression
  • swelling of the skin under the eyes
  • wattles and combs become swollen and congested

Anyone with poultry with unexplained poultry illnesses or mortalities is asked to call 1 800 661-9903 to report.

For general questions, people can call the Small and Backyard Flock Permitting Hotline at 1 604 855-8255.

Laura Brougham

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