Car destroyed by fire Wednesday night in Victoria

Jackie May
A BMW in flames in Victoria Wednesday night near the corner of Dowler Place and Bay Street.

Although Victoria firefighters were able to quickly put out a car fire Wednesday night, the vehicle was destroyed.

The blaze broke out near the corner of Dowler Place and Bay Street just before 6 p.m. near the Island Farms dairy processing plant.

The fire at the front end of a BMW badly damaged the engine area.

There were no injuries and no damage to any property nearby.

A witness said she was barbecuing in her back yard when she saw lots of smoke nearby.

“I could smell it and so I came out front to see what was going on. And yeah there was just lots of flames and then I could hear the fire trucks coming,” Jackie May said.

“I thought it was me barbecuing. I thought I burnt it.”

Firefighters said the blaze did not appear suspicious and was sparked by an issue with the car’s engine.


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