Acoustic playback equipment used to lure orca out of Comox Harbour


The orca pictured in the Comox Harbour

Fisheries and Oceans Canada has been successful in moving a lone orca out of the Comox Harbour utilizing acoustic playback equipment.

The agency used a recording made a couple years ago of a group the whale had been with in the past.

The playback was done under a DFO license and with experts, as whales can become aggressive as a result of recordings.

Transient killer whale T073B  puzzled experts as he had been present in the harbour since July 23.

Orcas have come into the busy harbour before but they never stayed more than an hour.

Concerns were raised as the Comox Nautical Days fireworks were coming up on Monday.

Lifeforce, an ecology organization, was calling to re-examine the fireworks as they could have threatened the whale.

The whale was last seen off Cape Lazo around 3 p.m. heading north.

READ MORE: Researchers are increasingly worried about Comox transient orca

Julian Kolsut

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