Tsunami Awareness Week top of mind for Vancouver Island coastal communities


This week is Tsunami Awareness Week and it’s top of mind for many Islanders living in coastal communities.

One of those high-risk areas is the City of Colwood. So this week, Royal Roads University, in partnership with the province and the City of Colwood, hosted a practice hike to higher ground to raise awareness on what to do if a tsunami warning sounds.

Colwood Fire Department Emergency Program coordinator Josh Pettigrew feels that it is important for residents to be aware of where to go in case of an evacuation event.

“There is a risk and a threat that if we have a tsunami we may have to evacuate people and get them out of the area, and so today is just about bringing awareness to people that live in that area specifically, and also to identify where to go and what to do in an event of an evacuation,” said Pettigrew.

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The hike featured interactive booths with experts in emergency preparedness answering questions and suggesting tips on how to stay prepared. One of those experts was Rachel Scholer, a Public Education Officer from the B.C Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness.  Scholer was excited to remind the public of three basic tips to keep you and your loved ones safe.

“The three steps to emergency preparedness is knowing your hazards, making a plan, and gathering your supplies,” said Scholer. She adds that it is important to have a emergency home plan in place and keep all your supplies up to date.

Another tool the City of Colwood is now using to help people prepare is an early warning earthquake system, just installed at the end of March 2024. The city hopes this will give people a bit more time to put their safety plans in action. Residents can also sign up for West Shore emergency alerts on their phone here.

Tchadas Leo

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