Five drivers going more than double the speed limit ticketed in Oak Bay: police

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Another week, another rash of speeding drivers stopped by police in Oak Bay, predominantly in the Beach Drive area where all were going more than double the speed limit.

Oak Bay police, in a news release Tuesday, highlighted five incidents involving drivers nabbed by officers conducting speed enforcement between Nov. 1 and 4.

The first incident happened around 4:15 p.m. on Nov. 1, when officers stopped a 24-year-old woman who was going 81 kilometres an hour in a 40 km/h zone. This was near Beach Drive and Newport Avenue.

The second incident, which happened around 11:40 p.m. on Nov. 3, saw officers stop a 17-year-old male for going 102 km/h in a 50 zone near Cedar Hill Cross and Crestview roads.

Police say three speeding drivers were stopped on Nov. 4.

Around 7:35 p.m., a 22-year-old man was stopped for going 105 km/h in a 40 zone near Beach Drive and Newport Avenue. Then, in the same area around 8:22 p.m., a 55-year-old man was stopped for going 95 km/h in a 40 zone.

Later that night, around 11:37 p.m., a 21-year-old man was stopped for going 139 km/h in a 50 zone near Cedar Hill Cross and Crestview roads.

According to police, all five drivers were issued a $368 violation ticket for excessive speed. Their vehicles were also impounded for seven days.

The B.C. government says drivers who get their vehicle impounded must also pay all towing and storage costs. “They must pay the towing and storage costs for their impounded vehicle even if they weren’t driving it,” it says.

Last month, Oak Bay police nabbed five speeding drivers in as many days.

In a post on its website, the government urges drivers to drive at a safe speed because it gives them more time to stop.

“It also reduces the impact of your vehicle should you not be able to stop,” it added. “Speed is a leading cause of death on B.C. roads. It’s a behaviour easy to change by just slowing down.”

In May, an Oak Bay municipal worker was killed by a speeding driver on Monterey Avenue.


Ethan Morneau

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