CHEK Upside: Boy with special needs enjoys day on the water in Nanaimo thanks to adapted row boat

WatchIn his spare time, Nanaimo's Jon Pimlott designs and builds boats intended for one specific purpose: improve accessibility for people of all abilities to enjoy a day on the water.

In his spare time, Jon Pimlott designs and builds boats intended for a specific purpose: improve accessibility for people of all abilities to enjoy a day on the water.

CHEK News recently caught up with Pimlott at Diver Lake in Nanaimo where Sebastion, a teenage boy living with special needs, hopped onboard one of Pimlott’s adapted catamaran rowboats.

“The moments are priceless,” said Pimlott, as he watched Sebastion and his occupational therapist Holly Carnegie-Letcher rowing together on the lake.

“Sebastion lives with autism as well as a seizure disorder,” said Carnegie-Letcher, who’s worked with Sebastion for two years. “He’s a very lovely young man who likes to experience the outdoors, explore, and take on new challenges.”

The rowing therapy sessions only began in August, but Carnegie-Letcher says Sebastion was immediately drawn to the activity.

“It was quite amazing,” she said.

The custom-built vessel has two seats facing each other and uses parts like rollerblade wheels to allow for more ease of movement. Sebastion was a little camera shy for an interview, but his smile said it all.

“No fear, it was just pure joy,” said Carnegie-Letcher, who says the sessions benefit Sebastion’s physical and mental well-being. “It’s just wonderful for me to see him that happy.”

And watching from the shore, his grandmother captures every moment.

“It’s great, it’s good for everybody, he’s enjoying life. I think the first time I came out here I was teary-eyed,” said Helena Petrillo, Sebastion’s grandmother.

Meanwhile, Pimlott smiles at the thought of providing more boating opportunities for people of all abilities in his community.

“Someday, it’ll be a program at a rowing club or parks and rec program or system in all communities, everywhere,” he said.

Kevin Charach

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